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Alberta's New 2024 Home Buyers

Mortgage Rates!

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When you qualify, how do we contact you?

Alberta's Top Mortgage Services

Greetings! We are the Vantage Mortgage Team!

We're dedicated to helping you unlock the door to your ideal home by providing financial solutions tailored just for you.

As Mortgage Brokers, we specialize in getting our clients the most competitive mortgage rates, we'll do all the work to get you the best options to make it a no-brainer to invest into your next big purchase!

There is no cost to you for our services as the banks pay us for doing their work!

Over combined 20 years of experience in the financial industry in the Alberta region.
Vantage Mortgage Team has helped first home buyers, by providing the best mortgage options for their financial real estate decisions!

Let us help you make your dream home purchase a reality.

Request Quote Online!

It's so convenient! We've got a straight forward arrangement!

Fill in our quick 60 second online form to see what programs and rates you qualify for.

Talk to a Mortgage Broker

Your Broker will give you a custom plan with options to best fit your needs.

Easy Document Process!

Get guidance through the approval process.

Vantage Mortgage Team - Your Mortgage Broker

I represent a network of caring professionals who can help you with the biggest financial decisions of your life.

Just submit the easy and free quote form to get started now!

  • We are licensed professionals based in Alberta.

  • Competitive rates - our interest rates can often be better than advertised, as we have access to several lenders

  • Free to get a quote - there's no cost as we are a referral service

  • Fast response - expect to be contacted within minutes of your submission

  • Easy - the quote form is easy step by step

As a caring professional, I work individually with my clients and have have access to 40+ lenders. I'll make sure to help you with the biggest financial decisions of your life.

Fully licensed and ready to answer your questions.

Just submit our Mortgage Rate Survey to get started and see what you'll qualify for.

  • Competitive rates - our interest rates can often be better than advertised, as we have access to several lenders

  • Fully Free of Charge Service!

  • We are licensed professionals based in Alberta

  • Fast response - expect to be contacted within minutes of your submission

  • Easy - the quote form is easy step by step

Go ahead and Complete the Survey.

So we can start working on finding you the best Mortgage options!

As a Mortgage Consultant, we help maximize your financial options. Seeking the best home loans for any financial circumstance! Im ready to speak with you and assist in determining your financial needs.

Vantage DLC

Mortgage Broker

9241 50 St NW, Edmonton, Canada, T6B 3B6


Brokerage License


Vantage DLC

Mortgage Specialist

9241 50 St NW, Edmonton, Canada, T6B 3B6


Brokerage License


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